Henrietta is a full time practitioner of a range of natural and complementary therapies that include Naturopathy and Nutritional BioChemistry and Herbalism, Counselling as well as body treatments including Remedial and Relaxation Massage.

Naturopathy and Nutrition
Naturopathy essentially means ‘healing with nature’ and hence uses a combination of tools such as nutrition, herbal medicines and nutritional supplements (such as vitamins or minerals in therapeutic dosages) to support the body to return to its natural balance and innate vitality.
We consider that true naturopathy works hand in hand with conventional medicine, where the marriage of both approaches and therapies allows for the client to be fully met and supported in a holistic way.
Counselling is about supporting people first and foremost with their relationship with themselves so that they can then better understand their relationships with others. There is a more wholesome way of living and taking care of ourselves in every aspect of life and counselling when correctly applied helps us to express and return to this essential and foundational way of living.

Remedial massage
The word ‘remedial’ comes from the word ‘remedy’ – a treatment for a disease or injury. Remedial Massage practice works to treat an injury, ailment or condition specific to the musculoskeletal system where the aim is to offer support by re-establishing a more natural and harmonious way of movement away from the ill-movement that resulted in the injury or condition. It is wise to seek support to assist the body in its rehabilitation and ensuring that our natural movement is restored so that homeostasis and true balance is brought back to the body.
Relaxation Massage
Relaxation Massage is a smooth and flowing massage that offers the body an opportunity to relax fully and release tensions held from accumulated stress. It promotes general relaxation, improved circulation and supports the supple movement of the body. It can be particularly beneficial in times of stress, general tension in the body, difficulty sleeping, body adjustments in pregnancy and breastfeeding amongst many other situations.

Jane Iredale Makeup Coulour matching
Henrietta is also qualified as a Jane Iredale stockist and has been trained by Jane Iredale for Makeup colour matching. Jane Iredale makeup has clean ingredients with skin loving benefits and no-fade performance. Jane Iredale Makeup offers makeup with no harmful toxins, with ingredients that strengthen the skin and have beneficial botanicals.